NEW LOOK: JourneyApps launches updated branding

We are excited to announce that starting today, February 10th, the JourneyApps logo and brand color palette is being updated, including on the JourneyApps website, social media avatars and the icon of the default JourneyApps Container.


These changes will only impact appearance. Customers can continue to use JourneyApps and the apps they’ve built on JourneyApps just as before. Custom-branded application containers will not be affected.

There are no changes to how you use JourneyApps and no action is required.


The default JourneyApps Container app tile is being updated:

  • If users access their app through the default JourneyApps Container, they will see their app tile change to feature our new brand symbol, once they update their app. It may take a few weeks for the new tile image to reflect on the Play Store and Apple App Store.
  • If users access their app through a white-labeled container, with a custom-branded app tile, their app tile will remain unchanged.


The story behind the new look

It’s not rocket science

JourneyApps exists to accelerate the software revolution by making it easy (and even fun!) for people to use their coding abilities to build and run industrial-grade apps. Whether working on an innovative prototype or delivering a globally-used enterprise app, developers can rely on the strength and extensibility of JourneyApps.

Enter the Journexagon, our new brand symbol which incorporates hexagons to symbolize strength and extensibility. Hexagons represent strength: graphene owes its distinction as the strongest known material to its hexagonal lattice of carbon atoms. Hexagons also represent extensibility: hexagonal tiles can be placed, one after the other, in any direction to efficiently cover ground.

The strength of JourneyApps lies in how easy-fit software building blocks can be placed on a robust platform. The extensibility lies in the fact that apps can be extended as needed – whether that means integrating the data of other systems or running an app on the latest extended reality device, like the RealWear Navigator® 500.

Thank you for being on the journey with us.

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